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Image of two third grade students working together
Sorting by various attributes

3rd grade students were given a stack of shapes and were told to sort them into different groups based upon their attributes.

Image of teacher with group of 1st grade students raising their hands
1st Grade Literacy

Reviewing needs and wants during literacy time in first grade.

Image of 4th grade classroom as students take a math test
4th Grade Math Test

We're proud of our 4th grade students and how hard they have been working in math. 

Image of a group of students in a classroom
Word Work

Third grade students reviewed plural nouns, and read a text containing many plural nouns.

Welcome to Prairiewood Elementary School


Principal Nikki Kunde and the entire Prairiewood staff welcome you. Visit our About Us and Directory pages to learn more about our school and our people. 

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Prairiewood principal Nikki Kunke

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Screenshot of Prairiewood Press newsletter header

Upcoming Events

News & Announcements

Photo of Jill Walsh

District 200 will offer a parent speaker event on Feb. 19 featuring a Boston University professor and author who will provide guidance on helping children move safely through the digital landscape. Dr. Jill Walsh’s presentation: Strategies to Help Children Navigate Digital Technology will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 19 in the Woodstock High School auditorium.

  • #allschools
Read More about Parent Speaker Event Feb. 19: Strategies to Help Children Navigate Digital Technology